Have a Sales or Repair related question? Please give us a call tall free at 888-533-4894 or send email at repair@smadny.com. If you would like to contact you later please fill out a form to the right. We would love to talk to you
Our Story
Born and raised in Chicago, IL. we are centrally located to provide the fastest turnaround time on repair and refurbish services for your hospital, office or factory.
We were the first company nationwide to offer full two-year warranty on all sales and services performed. Weather you purchased directly from us over the phone, via our eBay store, or website we offer full 2 year warranty on repaired phones.
Phones sold or repaired by us are inventoried and marked with a tamper-proof sticker that allows us to track each phone and and determine the date of repair or sale, and match it with customer’s name for warranty purposes.
No Shortcuts. Ever.
Our well seasoned crew of technicians have decades of experience to draw on. Which allows us to have a breath of institutional knowledge about the handsets and phones we work with, we always source the best components available on the market and do not take chances with second grade parts. This isn’t always the easiest way to do business, but it’s the only way we ever would!
Smadny Communications, Inc.
Spectralink and Polycom Phones:
Spectralink Link 6020 Wireless Telephone
Spectralink Link LTB100 Wireless Telephone
Spectralink Link PTB4XX / PTB400 /PTB450 Wireless Telephone
Spectralink Link PTB410 Wireless Telephone
Spectralink Link 8020 Wireless Telephone
Spectralink NetLink PTB810 Wireless Telephone
Spectralink 84-Series Wi-Fi Phones
Spectralink 8440, 8450, 8452 Wi-Fi Telephones
Spectralink NetLink PTX130A Wireless Telephone
Spectralink NetLink PTX141 / PTX140 Wireless Telephone
Spectralink NetLink PTX151 / PTX150 Wireless Telephone
Spectralink NetLink i640 Wireless Telephone Series
Spectralink NetLink 3626 Wi-Fi Wireless Telephone
Cisco Phones:
Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7921G
Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7925G
Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7926G
Cisco IP Phone 7841 / 7861
Cisco IP Phone 8841 / 8851
Cisco Wireless IP Phone 8821
AVAYA / Nortel:
Nortel WLAN Handset 6120 and 6140
Avaya 6120 and 6140 WLAN Handset
Avaya 3641 IP Wireless Handset
Avaya 3645 IP Wireless Phone
Avaya 6120 / 6140 IP Wireless Handset
We specialize in repair and refurbish processes of many wireless office phone systems used today.
Our turn-around time on on repairs is unsurpassed by others in the industry. You get your old used phones, meticulously refurbished back in your hand in record time, weather you are sending 1 or 30 phones for repair.
We service many hospitals and health care facilities, and we know how hard COVID-19 has affected them. We would like to help in any way possible and we made a promise to those customers enlisted in the fight of the coronavirus to offer a FREE RUSH SERVICE AT NO EXTRA cost and repair the phones we receive and ship them back the same business day. We just want to do our small part in resolving the coronavirus pandemic as quickly as possible.
We service both wireless headsets, nurse call and desk phones of all brands of office and office and industrial equipment. SpectraLink, Polycom, Cisco, Avaya, Mitel and NEC and many others.
A well seasoned crew of technicians with multiple years of experience allows us to have a breath of institutional knowledge about the phones we work with, we always source the best components available from our suppliers.